Monday 9 October 2017

Study Task 2: Editorial Illustrators

Aad Goudappel and Paul Blow

  • Goudappel translates complex ideas and abstract themes into clear and powerful images usually relating to issues and themes within todays society.
  • He works digitally, frequently using Illustrator.
  • I really like his use of simple vectors - it makes the image look extremely clear and not too overwhelming to look at.
  • I think the simplistic colour palette is very effective, the contrasting pink and blue make the image look very visually appealing and help represent the main features of the image. I also really like they way the greys and blacks have been carefully selected - they really help portray the darker side to the image and helps Goudappels message be more perceived.

  • Paul Blows work also really appeals to me - love his simplistic colour palette.
  • his work almost looks screen printed, the block colours against the line work are very visually appealing. 
  • his messages within his editorials are simple and straight forward.
  • works in digital methods.

Study Task 1: Zine

  • for what was meant to be a short study task, I spent way too much time on making this zine.
  • Equal amount of analogue and digital methods.
  • I think my zine would have been easier to create if I had done more planning and produced more roughs and thumbnails as half way through I had already used my initial ideas.
  • more thought could have gone into the front cover and first couple of pages.
  • I think it successfully demonstrates a little bit about the authors life/books etc.