Tuesday 23 October 2018

Who am I? Pitch

Pitch and Feedback.

Today I presented my 'who am I pitch'. I usually find presenting to an audience really uncomfortable and previously Ive found that I just read off a piece of paper/script and it always feels really stiff and awkward - but today my pitch flowed really nicely and I feel as if the more of these group presentations/crits I do the more comfortable i will feel. so all in all I'm really pleased with how it went.

I got some really helpful feedback off ben, and I've got some guidance now in what direction I want to go in - as before I felt abit lost. We decided that my next steps are to play around with process and just crack on with making things e.g because I enjoy printing I need to get down to the print room and start playing around with screen printing. As well as experimenting with process we said that because I'm highly interested in Editorial work that this would be something to start thinking about including in my portfolio e.g the editorial briefs.

Next Steps

- Have a mess around in my sketchbook, maybe create some positives for screen printing. 
- Grab the editorial briefs off Ben and sit down and analyse them.