Thursday 25 April 2019

Project Proposal - Me Too Publication

Me too Publication:

What I intend to do:
Create a publication based on the me too movement where the purpose of the creation of me too will be explored both visually and theoretically.
- also taking into consideration Editorial Illustration

What is the purpose:
the purpose of the publication will be to project the positives gained from the me too movement and the strengths that are still being worked upon. to also share past experiences and the background information of me too where it will educate and raise awareness to the audience. It will also empower women and encourage them to push through bad experiences by connecting with others who have gone though and are currently sharing the same thing
-raise awareness
-empower women

-women of all ages, perhaps maybe 16 plus

I will use social platforms such as twitter and instagram to try and gain knowledge on peoples past experiences in regards to the me too movement. I will also use these platforms to try and get quotes in which I can then communicate them visually.
-articles e.g new statesmen
-conduct questionnaire (is this too sensitive?)

Steps to take next:
- find quotes and information/articles to include in publication
-draw some initial sketches in response to the information 
- consider materials/style of publication e.g double spread images etc

Thursday 18 April 2019

7 x 7 and reflection 3

This image is a part of a mini project I've just finished titled "women are strong". This has been a part of my continued work on the me too movement where Ive come up with a concept of women being physically strong which is a visual metaphor of women being mentally strong. 

This is one of my favourite images I've made so far. Everything that builds up this image, the line quality, the colour palette and the simplistic shapes, it just appears extremely visually appealing and is successful in conveying the message that women are strong. My process has stayed quite consistent of sketching my ideas in my sketch book to then move onto turning it into vectors through illustrator. I definitely want to start including some more hands on methods within my work such as painting, because I love seeing the finalised outcome right on your page. I've really enjoyed this mini project and I've found that by exploring different concepts within my work it is allowing me to go down so many different pathways. 

I'm now starting to consider how I can tie all of my images together. Im currently researching different types of publications that will enable me to showcase all of my finalised images - I think this will be a good idea as the publication itself could perhaps hold all of the information Ive researched and then the visual responses I have created. The publications purpose will not only raise awareness and educate the viewer but it will also share the journey of my visual language.

Up to now I feel like i've bene managing my time really well but theres so many ideas I keep generating and I'm eager to complete them all. I know it will be difficult getting the publication ready before the deadline but I'm definitely wanting to execute the idea before the end of year show.