Saturday 7 April 2018

Research - Visiting my Grandad

An experinece of someone who is impartial.

I can fortunately say that I personally haven’t been in a situation where a friend or family member has been effected by dementia so when I was going to visit heathers grandad I really didn’t know what to expect, she had talked about him to me so I had an idea of what sort of person I was about to meet. When I got to the hospital I felt an overwhelming feeling of sadness, the rooms were scarce of basic human interactions, minimal objects and a feeling of unease. When I met heathers grandad he couldn’t of been any more jolly despite the horrible surroundings and general sadness of the situation. It was hard to be there and hard to take everything in and it really made me think about my grandparents and I wasn’t even part of the family but I could see just by the look on my girlfriends face that he wasn’t how she remembered him. The whole visit made me feel like I had to protect what I loved because unfortunately illnesses like dementia are.common and happen to the people we love the most

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