Monday 30 April 2018

Studio Brief 2: Individual Practice



Within previous briefs that have been set I have always struggled with the concept behind the work that I create but with this particular module I feel I have really pushed myself within my creative skillset and range due to the personal connection that I had with the source and specific idea of Dementia and the implications and struggles that come along the way. When producing the work, I allowed myself to go back to my “old roots” and include the use of painting which I thoroughly enjoyed and I feel like in this body of work it works really well as when I was younger I used to paint with my Grandad who is unfortunately suffering from Dementia at this stage. I found researching this particular illness quite hard as I was uncovering what I would in-turn experience but feel it was necessary in order to create the desired work I had in mind.

Going forward I realize that I would like to focus more on editorial work as I feel like this is where my work achieves the highest of its potential in this field. I feel like I have gained a stronger understanding of where I am played within the creative industry and feel like I have developed myself in the sense that I know the tone of my work now and the characteristics and personal flares that are included.

Despite the fact that I have had to apply for an extension within my work deadline I feel like I have worked to the best of my ability when taking into account the unforeseen circumstances that I have faced. In spite of all this I feel like I stand in a strong position to work forward, knowing myself, my work ethic and my creative tone I feel like I not only have the concept that I was to push but I also feel like I am producing work that I want to continue to develop.

I aim to apply existing skill within the print workshop to the work I am currently creative but include the use of screen printing as I feel like my work is strong enough to progress within this creative process. I will also continue the use of lino printing as I feel the free hand nature of the method works well with the concept. Areas in which I would like to improve upon is within research. I feel like I could carry out more within the ideas I have instead of focusing on mainly upon the creative aspects and producing physical bodies of work

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