Tuesday 1 January 2019

Statement of Intent

For 603 I intend to respond to a range of briefs where I will continue to develop and refine my practice throughout, which in turn will help me gain a better understanding of where I sit within the creative industry and as a creative practitioner. I intend to explore and develop my tone of voice through experimentation such as painting, drawing, printing and digital processes. Currently, themes and subjects I am interested in are heavily based on figures and human narratives, I like to explore these in a playful manner and seem to highly enjoy working with these forms. In terms of my target audience, I believe my work is best suited to view as 16 plus, this is because my work addresses matters that can be quite serious and may be difficult to interpret at a younger age. I am also currently interested in Female empowerment, so this may also be a potential audience, e.g feminists etc, and people who can have a deep connection with my work.

My goals for this brief is to really ensure that I push myself and step out of my comfort zone. I would like to expand my skills within the print room by carrying out screen printing and Lino printing methods as this is something I do really enjoy and I would like to continue working wth these methods after uni, so taking advantage of the facilities within the print room will help me expand my knowledge and skills within this area in preparation for when I leave. I want to create some large scale pieces as I've previously just stayed close to my sketchbook, so by screen printing this will then allow me to do this.

 The practical skills and media I wish to explore throughout this module consist of printing methods such as Lino and Screen printing. I think these methods help support my tone of voice and help communicate my concepts successfully as I enjoy working with minimal colour palettes and block colour. I also wish to continue using digital means, such as Illustrator and Photoshop, as I think it enables my work to portray a very professional and tidy look. I also wish to generate textures which I will explore digitally to include in my work. Within my sketchbook I intend to experiment with mediums such as ink and paint to again generate textures and also produce more finalised images so that I can experiment and develop colour palettes.

I do plan to take inspiration from Illustrators such as Monge Quentin and Amber Vittoria, who's work focuses mostly on female characters, however I also plan to use other research methods such as articles, including  the New statesmen "the year women said me too" article, where it will help me generate ideas through the descriptive experiences shared in the article, this will help me create visual responses that are relevant to the subject, which in turn will help educate and raise awareness on the matter. I also want to read books and blogs in relation to my chosen topics which will really widen my knowledge and help me to communicate the topics visually.

Potential outcome and briefs I intend to do will be the New Statesmen brief "The year women said me too". I'm really interested in Female Empowerment, however I have never really explored this topic within my work. My love for illustrating human forms and characters has lead me to consider this brief as I have always enjoyed making work that has a personal connection to me. I also haven't had much experience in illustrating book covers however it is something I would like to do in future, so this is a god opportunity to direct self lead briefs. I also wish to explore a range of other editorial briefs as I believe this is where my practice currently sits within and will help give me practice for life after university.

In terms of approaches to documentation, I wish to keep an up to date log of reflections and critiques on my blog, that way I will be able to correct mistakes and notice when things go well and not going well which in turn will really help me develop my practice. I plan to use sketchbooks to also analyse my work, I will really try to use my sketchbook as a thought process this module, as previously I have always been bothered about making my ideas finalised and Its proven to not really help me explore my ideas, I want to generate thumbnails, roughs, experimental elements, notes with my thought process, notes of what needs to be improves, dimensions, materials I will use etc. Finally I will keep a diary, this will contain daily to do lists to ensure I am reaching my target everyday and also important dates so that I am aware of how much time I have to complete tasks.

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