Saturday 4 May 2019

7 x 7 and Refelction 4

This image is a final reflection of where my practice is currently. it is a visual response to a quote I found "you dont have to do it all by yourself". I've been illustrating some quotes in preparation for them to go into my publication. I had been in contact with the author and asked if it was ok to illustrate her quotes, which she said yes. It was really nice for her to share my image on her page for a great purpose. 

I really like this image, its successful in conveying the correct message, its powerful yet playful - it shows women together empowering each other. I think the colour palette is rally powerful and holds great energy. I'd like to explore this image further and create different compositions of women to maybe create a series of prints, I think that would look great for my end of year show. 

Some exciting news has also come from this image, after posting it onto instagram, I received a direct message from Jamie Long who was interested in buying it as a print, after having back and forth chat he said that the image would look great for a clothing company he works for and that he sent my image off to his graphic manager, and he said he would see if the company would commission to make some graphic t's ...and the company he works for is ASOS!! this has been the confidence boost I needed, and its a nice little reminder that people do like my work.

Also Ive been really into seeing how and where my work can be applied to at the moment. Ive been focusing on applying my images to a range of mock ups such as book covers, publication layouts and posters. I feel like this is an important step as you really see your work come to life where it really has a purpose.

The publication is coming along nicely, I was starting to worry that making it was going to be a bit pointless and that putting a mixture of quotes/articles etc, wouldn't really flow but Ive realised that it doesn't matter too much as this is generally a celebration of my work, its just a bonus that it may also raise awareness on the matter. I also worry that I wont be able to get it printed or bind it myself in time, but I think as long as its done for my end of year show that will be fine. this is something to take into consideration - I need to realise my work load and plan my time more effectively because submission is creeping up and I definitely need to be finalising my projects. I think if I keep making daily to do lists this will help me ensure I finish on time.

Where Im at now:
I'm in the middle of making my publication, I'm happy with the images Ive selected to go in it, still needs to fill in a couple of more images.
Still trying to finish off some of my images supporting the quotes, again this will go in my publication.
Need to start considering what I'm going to do for the final show: Publication along with some screen prints? Need to research more methods of the layout for my publication - have seen a concertina style layout inside a match stick box - I thought this concept was really clever and would fit really well as a part of my project e.g the match box can open and close, once its open all of the contents will unravel and its almost like a metaphor for a woman's voice - so this is something I intend to mock up and perhaps execute if I have the time.

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