Sunday 25 September 2016

Making a Mask: Final Mask

My final images consist of me wearing the mask looking at myself in the mirror whilst applying makeup. Although the mask looks quite silly and playful, which were fully my intentions, I also wanted to portray a small message in which make up is something a lot of women use everyday purely to change their appearance, and I guess the message is that people should be comfortable in their own skin and learn to love their insecurities. 

In terms of composition I really like the way you can see the mask looking at itself in the mirror. It was quite difficult to capture this image due to having to take it myself, however if I was to re take it with an extra pair of hands I would like the background to be more simplistic in terms of colour, so perhaps the picture could be taken in the bathroom where the colour palette is white. Also it would be nice for the mask to be more involved in the picture even though I do think the mask showing only half of its face is really effective in terms of the mask not wanting to show the viewer its face however it doesn't realise the mirror is reflecting it. I also like the composition of the mirror and how it sits almost central of the image.

Due to the first image not providing the full face of the mask, I decided to go back and re take another shot with the mask more involved. The only aspect of this image that I would like to change is the reflection in the mirror, with the reflection of the first image and the mask in the second image would make the piece more visually appealing.

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