Sunday 25 September 2016

Making a Mask: Production Process

I sourced my materials from the Library, where I found some books related to portraits. I scanned the images in which then allowed me to digitally manipulate them in Photoshop.
I decided to choose these images due to the fact the models look flawless and I wanted to use these flawless features in my collages to create a silly and playful piece of work.
 I focused mainly on the lips and eyes as they were easy to mix and match with the portraits. After playing around with different combinations of facial features I decided that I wanted my mask to be completely irregular with out of proportioned features such as big odd and un even eyes. Once I had finished collaging it was strange to see how these beautiful models had transformed into completely irregular and unique compositions.

The main aspect that I find most visually appealing in this piece of work is the limited colour palette and the way the red and brown colours really compliment the greys. I think that if I carried on with my original idea of creating a portrait with a range of images containing a number of colours, then I don't think it would have worked as well and would be too busy to look at.

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