Sunday 25 September 2016

Making a Mask: Initial Idea

Our first brief was to create a mask, a mask in which perhaps reflected us as a character. This task wasn't intended to test our model making skills but in fact its intentions were purely to make us consider how we could create a powerful illusion, with simple visual devices such as shape, line, colour and material.

Before getting straight into the production process of creating the mask I began to jot some ideas down, along with some basic sketches to provide an insight into my thinking process. I began to consider things such as 'what made me, me' along with a couple of lists with what I was interested in.

An idea that kept popping up was collage, so I began thinking carefully on how I could incorporate collage into my work. I initially thought of creating a mask with a selection of different faces on, all sliced up together creating one whole, irregular face. However, the outcome of this idea may appear slightly messy and have quite a busy feel to it which was not what I was aiming to create, I wanted my mask to be simple but effective.

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