Thursday 20 October 2016

How to... Bridge a Gap: Experimentation and rough plans for poster

Within the last hour or so in class, we began to create some rough plans for the final outcome. This was very helpful as I wasn't even sure which 24 images I wanted to use out of the 100. I experimented with making a grid like composition where all of my images were the same shape and size and also just putting the drawings in random places making the different sizes in scale.

     Rough 1                                                                          Rough 2

Rough 3

Overall I decided that although I love the colour scheme in the first poster, it was a bit difficult to understand what was going on because all the drawings were falling into each other and merging into one. I think for my final poser I will be using the tiled composition as it looks neater and tidier.

With not using inks so frequently I decided to have a play about with the colour schemes for my cliff, which I decided would be repeated through out the poster. I found that I liked the pinks more as although they weren't realistic colours for a cliff they looked quite unusual and silly which I thought would go really well with my theme and humorous drawings. As the poster had to be in monochrome I decided pink would be a good idea because then I could introduce reds which means I would have a slightly wider colour palette to work with.

I carried on experimenting with a few of my chosen drawings in ink. I chose a more simplistic drawing to work with and then in comparison a slightly detailed drawing. This gave me the opportunity to see how I got on working in this medium with two completely different types of drawings before I got down to doing it on the final outcome. I found that when using ink the more simplistic drawings have the most successful outcomes.

After experimenting with a range of compositions I decided to pick my chosen images. I think the way I have picked the good ones from the bad is to consider how clear the illustration is, is it funny? can you clearly understand what is going on in it? I thought it was a good idea to start refining my chosen images so I re drew them out so I was prepared for drawing them out on my final poster.

something that also encouraged me to pick my images were the class when we had the chance to go around and look at each others work, if we liked an image we would put a tiny dot on it and write a little explanation on a sheet next to it. The ones with the most dots I definitely considered for the poster.

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