Thursday 20 October 2016

How to... Bridge a Gap: Idea bang

Idea Bang!

After the class had been given a 'how to problem', in preparation for our first brief, we carried out an Idea bang process which meant we had to generate 100 ideas on our problem, mine was 'How to Bridge a Gap'. This meant we could jot down ideas but initially we had to create 100 drawings based on our topic.

I think that at the begging I found this method quite difficult as I felt like I was put on the spot and I felt unhappy with my given topic however, as soon as I started drawing, more ideas came flooding out and I began to reach the 100 target and surprisingly I really started to love my topic.

I was worried that my ideas would be bit random as it was difficult to think of so many but I guess that was what the aim of the project be creative. Some of my favourite and more successful drawings were the more humorous ones such as 'chain of dogs' and 'a baguette from greggs'.

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