Thursday 20 October 2016

How to...Bridge a Gap: Final Outcome

Final Poster

What could I improve on?

I am happy with the final outcome of my poster, however I do believe I could've done better. The main issue I came across was when it came to finishing off the poster and I was colouring the background in and unfortunately my marker stopped working, this meant I had to change colour slightly and the poster became bit patchy. Another thing I would like for my poster is for the images to be bit more separate from each other, however this was difficult to do given the amount of images which had to fit on there. I would also like the more white coloured drawings to be coloured more  as I feel like the poster looks a little un finished, maybe this is something I could re visit.

What went well? 

I do however really like the colour scheme which was something students picked up on whilst we lay our work down and had a look at everyones posters. I also like the majority of how the drawings turned out, I think the more simplistic ones work best. I like how busy the poster looks, there is not much free space but I think I've handled the composition well.

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