Tuesday 6 December 2016

Visual Language: Collage and Ephemera


It feels as if I haven't collaged in agessssss and I was so happy to revisit! I feel as if when I'm creating collages I can be really free with it, like theres just so many possibilities and paths you can go down with collage, its so experimental and I feel as if nothing you can do with collage will ever be wrong. I've continued my circus theme and pretty much just been really free with it, with collage I never really plan what I do - I just start looking and finding shapes and images and just experimenting with them and putting things together.

What I was tying to achieve with these images was some kind of 'freak show' that you would see in a film or a tv series, I wanted to take my own twist on a circus theme. Collage is something I'm definitely going to revisit, I enjoy it so much and its been such a fab task, I think its such a good way to develop work e.g create collages, scan them in , work with them digitally, there doesnt have to be a 'final' thing its all about experimentation.

What I think went well:
  • I feel as if some of my collages are quite funny, its always nice to add elements of humour into your work.
  • I think the collages are quite unique, i don't think you'd see anything similar anywhere else.
  • I really had fun whilst creating these and I think its evident in my work? they look really fun and energetic and thats exactly how I felt during the process!!
What could I improve on?:
  • I HATE working on huge scales, I really love making cute little small collages and these were so big - I feel like I didn't use the space as well as I could done on some pieces.
  • Use my time more effectively!!! I spent a lot of time locating and sourcing my imagery so maybe if I could do that a bit quicker it would give me more time to make work!
  • don't be afraid of just getting straight - make some weird and wonderful stuff

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