Friday 2 December 2016

The Untold Story Part 1: Field Trip - Museum

Field Trip to the Museum - Thursday

With my Picture book being based on 'Age' I thought it might be worth while visiting the museum so for Thursdays field trip I decided to keep my research local as Leeds has a lovely museum! which holds a whole range of historical information and research so I thought it could be interesting to have a brief look round.




What I got out of my day at the Museum

I managed to sit in the museum for around a couple of hours to get some pictures and do some observational drawings. Although I am not yet fully sure on what my picture book is going to be specifically about, I thought going to the museum would be a good starting point due to the research and content the museum holds.

I managed take back some information on varied era's which were as early as 1900's-1950's whilst also sketching what was in front of me which included different types of uniforms, clothing and lots of little objects such as tea pots. In terms of Audio research I was unable to collect this whilst in the museum, this was because I had to have permission to interview the public and I couldn't just go and do it from my own will - as we did not know where to find where we could gain permission to carry out this research we had no option but to leave it out just this time. (scan in sketch book)

Overall thoughts - am I going to carry this theme through to my picture book?

As much as I enjoy researching the early era's, I don't think I will be able to do enough with this research to carry it on through to my picture book. When considering what to do with my picture book earlier on in the week and considering questions such as 'What does it mean to be 14' I think basing it on something like that would be much more successful and interesting. I also feel like I really don't have a direction at the moment which I'm feeling really unhappy about.

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