Thursday 1 December 2016

The Untold Story Part 1: Field Trip 2 - Collecting Audio Research

Collecting my audio Research.

Ive decided that I don't want to head into the historical direction - I don't want to focus on victorian eras or anything like that because I feel like it is a very basic subject - maybe I can interpret this theme in later on? For the time being I want to start investigating what age actually is, as at the moment I'm feeling bit lost with this brief so I need to gather some research on what the subject actually means.

Due to being really poorly I've not managed to get out and take some pictures or do any drawings, however with a little visit home I managed to get some audio research from family members to get their opinions on what they think age is. Here is a Transcript.

Catherine: 40 Years old 

Can you tell me anything interesting or anything you know about Age?
"Urmmm, Age... You learn from things more about age, you become more experienced, and things, like you become more patient and you not as fiesty as your mind from being a teenager, you kind of..every stage is different and you learn more and more at each stage, you learn more about yourself, more about the world, more about life, its like you just absorb everything more, and you kind of grow up and you learn that you don't know everything, despite what you might think when your a teenager, theres so much more to find out, theres so much more in this world.

What do you think exactly what age means and how would you describe what Age is? 
Age is like learning isn't it? Like I said before the older you get the more you learn, more life lessons you have, but I think age is just a natural process of life isn't it? its what its supposed to be, you're  supposed to grow old and die..

Can you remember what your favourite age was? And why was this? 
I don't think Ive reached it yet, I don't think I've got to my favourite age, Im hoping I'm pretty close to it, but, I'm still waiting.

What if age just didn't exist? How do you think life would differ?
well we wouldn't chanage or experience anything would we, we would just be like...just be boring wouldn't it.

Doreen: 70 Years Old

Can you tell me anything interesting or anything you know about Age? 
"I'm Old, Whats interesting about Age?...Well, I'm 70, and I still feel like I'm 16, erm..I don't wish I was 16, I'm quite happy to be 70 and you know.. have progressed beyond all the aggravations of youth, erm...I don't think...actually theres a saying that says 'youth is wasted on the young' and it is, because when your young you don't know anything and, you know, you just go ahead and you do your thing, but when you get older you realise what you should of done and you could've done and now its too late because you're too old to do it.. its like putting the chicken before the egg, it should be the other way round really, you should know all these things when your young and be able to make the most of your youth.

What do you think exactly what age means and how would you describe what Age is? 
Age is errr...Oh I can't think of the words...Its how you feel, Age is what you feel...if you feel old then you are old, if you don't feel old then you aren't old..I mean sometimes you can be when you're young you can feel like everything is you know too much and you can't do things and you can't cope with things, its not really anything to do with actual years , its a state of mind, thats the words I'm looking for..Age is a state of mind, you are as old as you actually feel, if when you're young you're feeling you're in that state of mind that you feel old then you know you're older than you are, but when you're old you're not necessarily old because you don't feel it.

Can you remember what your favourite age was? And why was this? 
Ermmmm... Ohh thats a difficult one, every age has got its own things... when I was a teenager, when I was at school, when I was at school that was my worst time of my life, I didn't enjoy being at school, I mean I enjoyed learning, but I didn't enjoy the experience of being at school, ermm... I enjoyed my first job when I was 16 and started work, and I enjoyed my first job because thats when I made all the friends that Ive got now for life that the ones that I'm still in touch with, erm... I loved my teens and sly 20' it was great to be alive and living in manchester at that time because manchester was the greatest place on earth to be in when you were in your early teens and 20s in the 60's, it was a fantastic place to be in, you couldn't be anywhere better, I loved my 20's, late teens, early 20s, I really really loved, the first few years I was married..were good... then everything went to pot... the time that I really sort of came to be was in my 50's, because in my 50's I was my own person... I was free, id got rid of the problems id got with your grandad and his drinking... I was on my own, which seems  strange to say that you enjoy time when you were on your own... but, I was free and I could do what I wanted and i didn't have was my time, when i turned 50, as a pose to life begins at 40, for me it began at 50, I think 50 was a good time, a really really good time, and now I'm into my.... Autumn if you like, I'm enjoying retirement, I wouldn't want to go back to work, but when I did work,...when I was working, i really really loved work, I enjoyed the job that I did, I had a brilliant job working at university and I loved it.

What if age just didn't exist? How do you think life would differ?
It wouldn't differ because age doesn't really exist, its not, Like I say its a state of mind, if you...if you feel like your decreped and old then you will, if you don't then you're not, I think age is completely a material. I don't think age is important at any level, its just a case of how you feel and you might feel diffeentty, people would feel differently at different stages of their lives to the way I felt at different stages of my life, people...some people would've hated the 50's, people would've hated their early teens and 20's, its a state of mind, age is completely a material.

Overall thoughts 

After collecting this research I have a better feeling of what direction I intend to take. I want to focus on what favourite part of peoples lives where and if it was because they was happy? is age related to happiness? From this research I will be investigating two themes, age and happiness.

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