Sunday 18 December 2016

The Untold Story Part 1: Drawing From Interviews

Feeling a little bit stuck :(

At the moment I'm feeling slightly stuck, I'm still really really ill but I need to start making some work. I thought as a starting point it would be a good idea to start making some drawings from my interviews and maybe this could then lead me on to something.

Overall Thoughts 

  • Feel like I'm not really getting anywhere. 
  • I don't really have any form of direction.
  • Realistically these drawings wouldn't look great in a picture book so if I am going to do anything with them they will need developing.

What's the next step from here? 

  • I think it would be a really good idea to start having a look at some artists I like - maybe some ideas will start to spring??
  • After looking at some inspiration I could have a go at doing some drawings that share a similar tone of voice?
  • For the time being whilst I am ill I think research is a really good idea and hopefully it will allow me to move forward.

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