Saturday 3 December 2016

The Untold Story part 1: Audio Research

Today I had a really interesting chat with my 14 year old sister.

Can I ask you a few questions really quick about a project I'm doing on Age?
Jenna: Erm, Yeah If you really want.
Okay, errr, what do you think Age is? Like if you can describe it in really simple terms what would you say?
Jenna: What? you mean like what do I think age is? errr, It's like...Smelly Old people init hahaha... or like people always say my year are horrible, so I guess Horrible 14 year olds haha.
Yeah keep going thats a good interpretation
Jenna: Yeah, Like I don't know what else to say?
Keep going, you've gone onto something quite good here, if you could stereotype an age group like you just done what would you say? 
Jenna: What like Moody men? or Annoying mums? errrr...I cant think, what about horrible sisters and boring brothers?
Eyy, no thats brill, I'll stop recoding now.

I really like her interpretations of stereotyping age genres, I think its a really interesting idea to work with, I think maybe my step from here is to do some drawings on these particular characterisations.

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