Monday 15 January 2018

Studio Brief 1: Idea Pictures - Reflection

Really think the colour palette works effectively - Donna Tartt appears to me as quite mysterious and spooky and I think the deep purples and pale beiges capture this vibe extremely well. I think the most successful image and the one I feel like I connect with most as an illustrator is my portrait image, its clear that I spent more time on that one in comparison to my landscape one and I feel like the tone of voice is more interactive with the viewer. I also think the idea behind it is a lot more intriguing as I based it on her book 'the secret history' - I felt as if when I read it there was so many parts where I was surprised, shocked, happy, sad and I really didn't expect it, so I created donna tartt creeping over the holes in the ground but its almost as if she could fall in at any time.

I used mixed media (paper cut and scanning paint textures) simply because I feel like it is more visually appealing than a pencil drawing, I feel like these images are nice to look at and the viewer will be able to engage more with these rather than a simple pen/pencil drawing.

I didn't really have enough time to perfect the land scape image, I feel like it's slightly less interesting than the others, the other two are slightly more complex and a bit busy and I feel like the  landscape image is slightly out of place next to the two, so in future I would like to make sure I spend my time equally on all images. I think if I get chance I will definitely go back and change it.

my main reflection of this brief is that I realise I haven't done much testing, I had done a lot of thumbnails and initial sketches but not much experimentation, I realise this is an important part of the process as it has limited my final images.

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