Monday 1 January 2018

Study Task 4: Animated shorts/Stings

Catch me if you can (2002)

  • narrative and sequence flows perfectly
  • extremely complex animation which I really like.
  • the music is not over powering at all and doesnt take any attention away from the animation itself.
  • the music however does add to the animation and without it I think I would view it completely different.
  • the sting has a nice pace and the artist has quite clearly thought a lot about composition.
  • It would be helpful to refer back to this animation if I'm struggling with composition.
  • colour scheme is very effective and visually appealing
  • really nice simplistic colour scheme
  • looks a lot more straight forward than the catch me if you can sting.
  • helpful for planning my story boards.
  • flows really nice
  • is it too simple?
  • really nice colour scheme
  • the sequence flows smoothly
  • quite complex?

 E4 - Sweet shop
  • usually a large colour pallete can be a little over whelming but the colours here have been carefully selcted
  • very energetic
  • love how playful it is.

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