Monday 15 January 2018

Studio Brief 2: Reflection

I think this brief was certainly more stressful than the editorial one. I came across so many different problems - breaking screens, my screens getting wet when coating causing it to not expose properly with lots of unwanted water marks etc.. I think I wasted a lot of time preparing screens for them to just not deliver successful outcomes - however I learnt a lot from these mishaps and I feel like my techniques and methods have improved massively since I last screen printed.

I'm really happy with my overall prints, I think the A4 size works much better than the A3, although I would like to make some A3 prints in future but not as a series, I think smaller sizes look more visually appealing when in a series of prints.

Rather than using half tone to create different shades and values of colours, I decided to experiment with line work - this is my favourite aspect of my prints and I think it looks very visually appealing throughout all of them. I wasn't too sure on the colour scheme, originally I wanted to stick to dark colours as I think it represents donna tartt quite well, but I wanted to step away from that obvious vibe she has. I decided to go for bright quirky colours because I think it allows you to look at donna tartt in a different light - she's very talented and creative and her books, especially in the secret history, which was my main influence for these prints, have some dramatic, yet sad, and also happy moments which instigate all sorts of feelings and emotions and I think the colours I picked represent this well.

I think maybe to reflect on this module I dont think I did enough experimentation, it would have been nice to experiment with more textures or to use the half tone method with my screen prints. I also think more experimentation with mono printing would be useful as this was my least favourite and I feel like I didn't really connect with my work when using this method - maybe with more experimenting I could've found that I really enjoy it.

I loved my lino prints! it was extremely fun, the only reason I didn't chose this method was because I had already made one screen print by this time and I really liked the outcome however is was really fun playing around with making my little pannels for my book case design - I think that composition was really effective.

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