Monday 15 January 2018

Studio Brief 3: Reflection

Overall I'm fairly pleased with the outcome of my animation, After effects is something I really struggled to get the hang of, and although we had really helpful workshops it was just unfortunately something I really struggled to work with. I never really enjoyed creating anything to do with animation e.g in first year we created GIFs and I just really hated the whole process so I thought again I'd really not enjoy making a 15 second sting, however, once I had time to have a little experimentation with my own work I found that I really got the hang of things and quite enjoyed seeing the outcomes.

I think my final sting really fits in with my previous briefs in relation to this module because it has that fun, bright coloured feel to it, and although Donna Tartt can be a bit dark and mysterious, I kind of wanted to create a different vibe (whilst also keeping that theme) which I think I did quite successfully.

I didn't realise how much difference adding sound to an animation could make. By adding little sound effects and a backing track you view the animation in a completely different way and it really offers so much more to the piece of work. I struggled a little on finding sounds to add to the sting but I think I've carefully selected a successful range.

I think a reasonable reflection to make for this brief is that I really should have planned and experimented more with After effects - I should have made more story boards and more experimental animations, I think because I felt a little unfamiliar with the software I was a little reluctant to being experimental. I did find story boarding really helpful, I would feel extremely lost without using this method - it really helped me think in the form of animation and movement.

I think my sting is fairly simple however I'd like to experiment with more features in future like working with the effects. With not leaving much time to create this sting I think I limited myself on what I could experiment with.

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