Saturday 18 February 2017


What I have used to make it 3D, What materials?

I decided to go with play-dough - I gathered that it is easy to mould and will stick to anything. I used a makeup remover bottle as the base of my character this made it easier when it came to taking pictures as it was nice and stable and the paper was easy to stick to. I then similarly to my sketchbook work used ink and water to create that mysterious look for the purple cloak and used paper cut for the hair.

I then had to steadily place my phone on some books so that the photos were all from the exact same angle - I then moved the charater closer to the screen so it looked like it was coming at you! ahhhhh.

I feel like if I had longer on the project it would be good to maybe include a face? not that it necessarily needs get what my character is all about in this GIF it's mysterious and spooky and I think you completely get that from the movement in the GIF.

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