Friday 3 February 2017

Visual Language: Depth and Line of Sight

Unfortunately I was poorly for this weeks session however I did my best to try and understand what went on in class. I grabbed a really interesting hand out from the session which I read thoroughly to give me a better understanding on depth and line of sight.

From what I can gather depth is used to create some sort of illusion - to make things appear further away or appear as 3D, you can create depth by using scale - sizing things up or perhaps down to make things look like they are close up font or far away. Depth can be also used in images when using tone and overlapping of images.

An artist I can really appreciate in terms of depth and line of sight is Laura Carlin. I love her use of one main aspect of the image which is brought forward and scaled up (in comparison to the other information) - in the images above you can see a statue and on the other is a tree which have been brought right forward and is the first thing you see. not only the scaling up of the objects played a part in making depth successful in her images but I think the overlapping of objects have helped achieved a sense of depth also. 

I used paper cut to provide different layers of depth, I achieved this by placing buildings behind each other to make things look further away.  I tested out a number of compositions but I found that the one above worked best. It's interesting to consider depth because its something I never would've 
usually thought about and after reading through the end out its something that i am now full aware of and I fee as if it will become very useful in future practices.

What I think went well:
  • I like the varied tones, it separates each building away from each there even though they are all so close.
  • I like using paper cut and collage, its simple and not too time consuming
  • using collage allowed me to re arrange my images to create different outcomes so i think thats a good method in experimenting with composition.
What could I improve on:
  • I think if i re visited this task I would be able to spend more time and effort on it.
  • I wish I would involved more information in the image, I feel as if there just isn't enough.
  • I feel like more experimentation would be beneficial, take some more time and carry on testing different compositions - make more buildings? use more mediums
  • I think varied scale sizes would help achieve a more prominent line of sight an depth in my work, maybe try and make some reaaallly tiny buildings so they look really far away and then in comparison make one big building which will clearly look like its the first thing that meets the human eye.

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