Sunday 5 February 2017

I See Faces: Experimentation, Sketchbook Ideas


My initial idea was to create a witch as I felt it fit appropriately with my given music, I began to  explore its characterisation through collage, What I was trying to achieve with these witch images was a sense of mystery and in some sense I was trying to make her a bit scary because it's what I thought would fit best with my music.

I decided to mix it up abit and focus both on shape and block colour but I was also curious as to what I could create when adding detail - I feel as if the detail helps convey this mysterious and spooky witch??

Papercut, Shape and Texture

I really love paper cut!!!!! I think its such an aesthetically pleasing method to carry out. I wanted to try and step away from the more detailed characters as after all these were going to be turned into GIFS? I think GIFS such look better when focusing more on shape and block colour. I feel like they look more professional rather than just making a detailed drawing 'move'. my next step was to focus on the face and portrait of the character which is why I created the faces below..

Im also loving making little textured work sheets which I can cut out and use on what I think should be textured o the character e.g the hair.

I think this is a really effective way of working - its fairly quick and by adding texture among block colours it really contrasts and works incredibly well.

Do they need faces? are faces necessary? will faces help convey my personality an background of my character? perhaps not... but it was good to experiment with facial expressions to see which would suit my spooky mysterious witch the most, I think I'm really set on the first one? 

It's probably quite obvious that Ive had a lot of fun experimenting with ink and water to create the ink splatters - I think it's such a successful and effective way in help portraying the mysterious feeling, it also looks extremely witchy which hey thats what I'm going for. I decided that I again wanted to simplify things - this was my next step and the outcome is shown below.

More examples of working with texture - again I love the faces I think they really add to the character and give it personality but could this be shown in another way? e.g movement?

more examples of quick ideas I had in my sketchbook.

I then created a unicorn gal - the music had a mythical theme to it so it fit perfctly, although I dont think I will carry on with this idea, I think my witch idea is more effective.

Overall thoughts and next step.
  • Need to consider movement - after all thats what a  GIF does...
  • maybe jot down some ideas on what I could make the GIF do? 
  • think about simplifying this will help make the gif look clearer.

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