Monday 20 February 2017

Visual Language: Colour and Value

Colour and Value

What is Value? Different varieties of a colour - gradient?
What are the different types of colour value? Light against Dark, Dark against Light, Dark and half tone and Light and dark against half tone.

One of my favourite examples of work which successfully uses colour value is a piece by David Foldvari. This image provides the viewer with a Dark against half tone image where the darker values appear to come to the viewers attention slightly more in comparison to the half tone values which are held in a number of the figures  - however the information that is half tone is not lost within the image and the dark tones (even though a lot of infomation is in this tone) don't over power the image.


I absolutely loved this task, I'm starting to really enjoy doing screen printing - the whole process, I  just love the excitement that you get when you rinse the screens and see that yellow!! - This surprises me due to my ABSOLUTE  hatred for it at foundation. The idea of of this task was to create a fan art poster using 2 colours - so with the limited colour palette it was incredibly important to take white into consideration as it of course acts as another colour.

I really wish I could've spent more time on my poster in terms or creating roughs and planning more thoughoroly but I think the most important part of this task was being able to re visit screen printing. I feel that if I was to re visit screen printing again (which I defo will!) I would be able to confidently do it on my own.

Digital Roughs

  • My favourite is definitely the greyscale image with the red bullet (was originally intending to print this one!!! would really like to go back and do so)
  • I think the black outline in my final stands out more and contrasts nicely with the turquoise back ground - this is why I chose it I also feel as if this colour is more representative of my character, feels more mysterious and cool.
  • The red design takes away too much attention from the character although would still make a lovely print.

Final Design

  • I used black to outline my character as it not only represents his personality - dark, scary, cold, but it also is very visually clear, its the first thing you're introduced to when looking at the piece.
  • Turquoise works nicely I think, again another representative of the character (it also looks really nice with black)
  • I decided to make use of the colour of the paper (white) as it extends my colour palette a little.
  • I really like the white bullets, maybe perhaps if I was to revisit this task I would play around more with the opacity of the smoke and the bullets??

Any problems encountered?

I slightly messed up my poster which I was a little annoyed about but I'm completely aware of my problems and I now know how to avoid what I did (its all a learning curve????). I tried to use bitmap to achieve a paler value of the colour I was using, but the resolution and dpi was way too high which meant that on screen it looked really nice and I achieved that paler value, however when printed out it appeared slightly blurry and the screen wasn't able to pick up the perfect in line dots like it would've done if I had chosen a lower dpi.

I think it was actually kinda tricky getting your head around what colour is going to be what - because obviously the psd had to be grey scale for the whole process to work, so after creating my final design in colour I had to go back and completely re do the whole piece, and no matter what colour you had chosen you still had to black it out for the screen to pick it up - i don't know it just gets a little bit confusing. I think the easiest way to do it was to just make two different documents or two different layers for your two colours and just think - the bit i want to be in colour is what needs to be black??

Final Posters

I'm really pleased with the outcome (other than the crappy bitmap job, oops), I think the colours both work really well, I think I'm slightly more into the turquoise one just because it compliments the black nicely and I think it fits with my characters personality more - seems mysterious and cold (like him) I tend to struggle with composition a lot but i think I'm liking it within this design - the bullets and the smoke are nicely placed, maybe if the bit map worked it wouldn't interfere with the title as much?

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