Tuesday 28 February 2017

Digital sticker designs

Love this design, I think this works best as a final, it looks finished, the shapes are tidy and neat (I also spent a long long time on it)

I created this outline compltely forgetting that I had nt made it in  layers! I was so pleased and the lines where abslutely perfect but somehow I got carried away and did it all on the same layer so unfortumtely iy only looks good as an outline, I could perhaps edit it on Photshop but it would defeat the whole Idea of using Illustrator.

I re did the design I really like it but the hand kind of merges into one and I cant decide if I like it or if it just doesn't work.

This was my first edit, I think its great in terms of basic shape, not sure on the colour scheme though.

I really love this little fishy design, its unfinished but I still really like the shapes involved in this design!! wish I had time to make a series of these!!!

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