Thursday 16 February 2017

Experimenting with GIFs

I wasnt really too sure how they worked????

It took me absolutely ages to get my head around creating GIFs on Photoshop, I failed miserably in class and got so fustrated that I gave up so I decided the only way to get better is to practice!!I had a little help from online tutorials but in the end I think I seemed to have got it? I created a cute lil GIF of my guinea pig wiggling his bum (he does it when he's hungry).

Overall thoughts
  • Get cracking and get my witch moving!
  • I'm actually quite proud considering this is my first GIF? he looks kind of cute!
  • in terms of the movement I think I've done quite well - theres two types of movement happening the bum and the eyes - something to consider in my final GIFs.
  • Obviously its not perfect theres always room for improvement but I feel like my hatred for GIFs isn't as existent anymore.. I feel more comfortable in this area.

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