Tuesday 28 February 2017

Using Adobe Illustrator

Illustrator - Panic over 

Due to missing the Illustrator workshops because of poor health I really started to panic and stress about the whole software - after all this brief has a big focus on the software so it is really important that I understand the basics.

Thankfully Matt took some time to teach me the basics of the software and I'm feeling quite comfortable using it!! It all seemed a bit complicated at first but I spent the rest of the afternoon just messing around with the pen tool and anchor points and making little basic shapes. I feel as if a massive weight is lifted off my chest now as I feel I won't struggle too much when it comes to creating my final sticker.

With the stickers being based on Acts of Kindness I thought I would try something relevant using basic hand and heart shapes and colour. I'm quite happy with the outcome considering it is my first time using this software but theres always room to improve.

Overall thoughts and next steps:
  • I actually really enjoy using illustrator, I think its quite fun, I'm excited to transform my roughs using this software.
  • I don't feel as behind now, Im feeling quite motivated and eager to make some really nice work.
  • Need to get cracking and draw loaaaads of roughs.
  • Develop favourite roughs and re create them with illustrator.
  • Start to consider colour - can only use two colours!
  • Continue to mess around with vectors and anchor points, practice will make perfect.

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