Tuesday 28 February 2017

Mono Printing Workshop

Monoprint Workshop

In todays mono printing session we had some time to experiment with using basic shapes in the form of mono printing. This was a massive help towards our current brief as it gave me the chance to explore basic shapes through colour and print in preparation for my stickers.

I found todays session really fun and interesting, I've done mono printing previously but in a completely different way so today was completely new to me. The thing I liked most was that I found it really easy to just absolutely wack out loads of prints, sometimes I wasn't quite sure what the outcome would be - there would be loads of random shapes and lines left from the previous prints but it was all just bit of experimentation and some turned out fab.

really love that grainy effect the paint leaves when you re print the same piece.

how can shapes create such lovely pieces of work - the blue and the red work really well together in this piece.

so simplistic yet sooo effective. Love this basic print although it only consists of 2 shapes I think its such a powerful piece!

Things to remember about mono printing:
  • Don't use too much ink - listen out for the sticky noise it makes when rolling.
  •  The easier press will create block colours rather than the other presses which create more grainy outcomes. (this is due to the pressure)
  • You can use the coated paper rather than cartridge paper straight after a print because the ink dries faster and sticks to the paper which allows you to re print straight away.
Overall I think this workshop has really helped me consider shapes and colour and will urge me to think carefully in choosing for my sticker designs.

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