Saturday 12 November 2016

Illumination: Final Images and Self refection

Final Images


   After a class crit I revisited my work and took on board a lot of the feed back. The majority of the   feedback consisted of using photoshop, which I found a lot of students had used for their editorials. I then went back and reflected on my feedback and re drew my images so I could digitally manipulate                  them via Photoshop.

 These were the final outcomes and I was much more happier with my editorials after I had re done them, I think its really important to take some time to reflect on the feedback you have been given, especially when there are consistent points throughout such as the fact I should experiment on photoshop.

What went well? 
  • The images look more clear, tidy and professional. 
  • The colours fit more appropriately and don't seem as overpowering in comparison to the hand drawn editorials.
  • The shapes seem more basic and clear without so much tone and shading
  • Overall they just look a lot more visual appealing.
  • I was able to reflect on feedback to improve my own work.
  • I really like that I was able to simplify my work, I also really like the small amounts of tonal work, it gives the images depth and a tone of voice.
  • The choice of colour supports the feel and emotion of the images, e.g blue/purple representing sad.
What could I improve on?
  • Maybe develop some more images and show more experimentation of working digitally with Photoshop.
  • Consider more uses of colour rather than sticking with a similar colour scheme throughout the whole three images.
  • Perhaps Experiment with other themes other than people, e.g expand on the nature theme.

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