Sunday 13 November 2016

Judge a Book by it's Cover: Self Evaluation and Final Cover

Final Covers!

It was impossible for me to choose a final book jacket so I was stuck with these two. I had asked for feedback from friends and peers and it was a joint vote between the two above. I love the look of them both, they both have aspects which I really like and they both have a unique style.

What went well?
  • Im really happy with the outcome of my book covers I think I'm really happy most with the composition.
  • I think the colour scheme works really well - pink associated with girly subjects (ironically)
  • I really like the white outlined legs, they look really simple yet are a main aspect of my cover and work really effectively.
What could I improve on?
  • Might have been a good idea to work with different colour schemes if I had a little more time
  • I definitely need to manage my time effectively - last minute work is not good
  • I need to research more artists and look at more book covers to gain more varied influence.
  • I think the object surrounding the women look a little powerful, maybe simplify them or chose a different colour scheme from them so that the focus is purely on the women.
Overall thoughts and self reflection

I feel like I didn't have enough time for this brief, I just wanted it to carry on and to be able to keep drawing for it! I loved it so much but I feel like I really need to work on managing my time a little better. I think I need to spend some more time on planning, experimenting with different mediums, I feel this project is the one I have experimented least in terms of mediums. However overall I am really proud of this outcome, I really enjoyed creating it and I hope I get to create something similar in future and be able to spend a little more time on it. With this being the final brief of the module I feel like I have really pushed myself, I have been able to respond to feedback from two other separate briefs so I feel like I have kept all of that feedback in mind for this brief also. I have also realised that I really like drawing figures! - its something I've never particularly liked drawing before.

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