Friday 11 November 2016

Illumination: Reflection after feedback

Group Crit - acting on feedback and self refection.

After the group crit for the Illumination brief I walked away from it feeling really unhappy about my work, it wasn't finished and the more I stared at it the more I hated it. The only thing I liked about it was the colour scheme.

A lot of the feedback I got from my editorial images suggested that I work digitally and use Photoshop which was what I initially wanted to do however I just didn't manage my time well - this is something I really need to work on.

After the crit I got home and really analysed my feedback. I completely re-drew my images, scanned them in and began to manipulate them digitally via Photoshop, within the first 5 mins of doing this I was already a lot more happier.

The colour looked more vibrant, the lines were tidier, the edges were cleaner, the colour scheme fit better and over all the image looked more professional. This has taught me that it is really important to go back and analyse your feedback from crits because it can be really beneficial - I'm really happy with the outcomes of my editorials now and I wouldn't have been if I didn't act on the feedback I was given.

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