Sunday 13 November 2016

Illumination: Continued Experimentation and Artist research


After I had finished Photoshopping my final editorials I felt like I still wasn't quite happy with the whole brief, I felt Like I needed to experiment more. So After looking at the work of Yelena Brysenkova and Keith Negley I decided to take a different approach and focus on shape a little more. My drawings can sometimes be a little detailed and I felt as if it would be a good idea to simplify them especially the figures.. I really admire the was Keith Negley's work is devoted to pure shape, it really gives his work a unique tone of voice, I feel like after researching his work I am able to understand and appreciate the power of shape a little more.

I sketched out some roughs ready for scanning in, however I also wanted to work with them in an analogue method such as painting them in gouache, I really like the idea of using block colours, I think although it can look quite flat it looks really powerful and effective. I was really happy with the outcomes of these roughs I think next time I just need to make sure that I do them in the set time of the brief rather than letting it overlap with my book cover brief. I found that I really liked drawing these so maybe I need to start finding more inspiration before I draw my roughs.

 With some spare scans that I printed, I painted one with gouache and the other was produced with pro markers. I think the outcome of the pro marker piece as A LOT better than the previous pro marker piece, I think I really rushed the first one and thats why it came out really blotchy and messy. I took my time with this one and as you can see the colours have a more consistent tone. The gouache piece is a little more detailed, I think when painting it I need to be a little more careful in choosing my colours as it looks slightly messy - but I still really like it.

Finally to finish off with these drawings I decided because I liked working with Photoshop so much and I really liked the outcome of my final editorials, I would digitally manipulate one of my drawings. Again it looked really nice and tidy and had a really nice thorough tone of voice.
It was really good to see how a rough can transform into a completely different image through the powers of Photoshop.

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