Friday 25 November 2016

One Week Map: Screen Printing

Screen Printing Induction

Today we transformed our template into screen prints. I wasn't really looking forward to doing screen printing after trying it at foundation - it didn't work and I didn't really understand the process of it, however, Mike guided us step by step through the whole process and I feel so much more comfortable, I know A LOT more about screen printing now - how the process works - how to prepare your screen etc and I've also learnt that I really like screen printing and will definitely be doing it again. 

What went well?
  • I was able to get a lot of experimentation out of the induction - creating lots and lots of prints, some successful and some not so successful but it was all apart of the learning process. 
  • the screen overall was successful and it was a clear representation of our template.
  • I really like the colours on all of our prints, it was nice to experiment with more than just one set.
  • I think the shapes are really nice and bold which give the piece a really nice and simplistic tone of voice. Simple yet effective.
What could I improve on?
  • Im looking forward to being able to do screen printing again purely because I wasn't massively happy with our design and I know I am capable of creating some really nice work through screen printing. Although this task was purely an experiment, I wish my group could've spent more time on the print to make it more detailed and refined which would make it a better representation of our journey.
  • I think the shapes are very basic and both layers would look better with more shapes and detail.

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