Sunday 13 November 2016

Judge a Book by it's Cover: Design Development

I   L O V E  P H O T O S H O P

Recently Ive really been loving working digitally, I just love the tidy look it gives, I think analogue work still looks really effective but only when its presented right. So I've decided to continue to develop my roughs digitally.

 Through photoshop I've been developing my roughs by adding colour and re building the lines - I found that when I scanned my roughs in, the pencil/pen was too light so it struggled to pick up in photoshop, and the colour was leaking outside my lines. This was bit of a problem as without a drawing tablet it was very time consuming to go over every single line I had drawn, it also needed a VERY steady hand, but once I did it it looked so much better and neater.

Once I had played around with colour I picked my favourite cover (also referring back to my crit and which one was the favourite from then)and I think the most successful was the one with the women as it not only looked visually appealing but I think it fitted with my book the most. I don't want to jut abandon the other roughs, I think I will find a way of interpreting my favourite aspects of each one on to the book jacket.

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