Monday 21 November 2016

One Week Map: Collecting Research

S O U N D   M A P P I N G!

In preparation for collecting our research the class created a sound map. This basically meant that we close our eyes and create lots of mark making which represents the noise you can hear. I really liked this research technique as it is unique and really effective in a way in which it can really vary your research.

Collecting the initial Research

In order to gain our research for our screen prints we were put into small groups and sent into the city to explore and investigate different locations in order to create a unique map of our journey. A few things to consider when carrying out this task were how where we feeling? Emotions? what could we smell? what could we hear? So it was a good idea to keep record of this in our sketch books as it may become useful when making our final maps.

Other research which we also thought would benefit our final map were photographsin which we could draw from, and also audio recordings so we could go back and create some more sound maps.

Cafe Nero

Christmas Markets

Trinity Shopping Centre

Victoria Quarter

Victoria Gate

Kirk gate Markets

Colours May Vary

 Sketchbook Drawings

I'm really happy with the outcome of my drawings, I think they look really lovely. It will be nice to see if I can incorporate anything I have taken from today into my screen printed map. Overall I think my research is really succsessful, I have recorded the feelings and emotions we felt throughout the journey, I have taken voice recordings, observational drawings and many photographs.

Preparation for Screen Prints

Me and my group have taken lots of little elements of our research and added it to our map designs. We have taken elemets of the sound we recorded e.g the music notes and the saxophone which have both come from our audio recordings, and also have simplified object in which we thing represent the areas we have visited.

In preparation for my groups screen prints we initial drew out some sketches in our sketch books on what we wanted the screen to look like. Once we was happy with out final design we then took the idea onto kodatrace and created two layers for the two different colours. This was a really interesting process as I was completely new to screen printing however it was really nice to learn as to why you need a different layer for each colour and why you have to colour in black the shape that you want to be coloured.

Overall thoughts?
  • I'm not massively happy with the collaboration piece, I think if I was to do this on my own I would make it a lot more detailed.
  • I am kind of glad it is simple because it is my first time screen printing so it will hopefully make the process and method a lot more easier to understand.
  • Overall I'm really excited to screen print!!!!!!

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