Sunday 13 November 2016

Judge a Book by it's Cover: From Analogue to Digital

From Analogue to Digital - consideration of my final Book Jacket

I really enjoy seeing a piece of work of mine grow into something I'm really proud of, especially looking at it when it in rough form.

The  block colours really stand out, I think the theme of pinks and nudes really help portray the theme of stereotyping women. I haven't yet decided what will go on the  rest of the book jacket, maybe incorporate some of the hairy legs which was mentioned in the crit?

What went well with the digital process?
  • I really like the colour scheme - fits with the themes of the book
  • Line work is neat and tidy
  • I think the typography is quite successful really like the unevenness of the title which contrasts with the authors name
What could I improve on?
  • I think the ladies look a bit lost in the circular background, maybe its because the majority of the skin tones are too light? either change the skin tones or change the circular shape colour?
  • Make sure that when scanning it in that I'm happy with the image - going back over the image on photoshop to re draw all of the line work is very very time consuming and I shouldn't have spent as much time on it as I did - if this happens again consider using the drawing tablet?
Another digital design which has transformed from a rough - I really like this one, possibly will develop it more?

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