Sunday 13 November 2016

Judge a Book by it's Cover: Group Crit

     Loved todays Group Crit!!

Interestingly we had a different type of crit in todays session where we got into groups of 4, I really liked this way of critiquing each others work for a number of reasons:

  • I feel like I benefitted more from it and took more information and ideas aways from it as it felt more individual.
  • I liked the fact I wasn't allowed to speak when the other 3 people where critiquing my work.
  • It was nice to hear what people had to say in front of my face about my work rather than reading a small note in which people wrote on a small piece of paper like in our usual crits.

I feel really happy with my feedback even though its not all positive, I'm happy that I can go back and experiment more with some new ideas given to me by my peers. The feedback that was positive I'm really pleased about - it means I can go and carry on with what I'm doing. The best feedback i got was based on the hairy legs illustrations so I think I'm definitely going to add an aspect of that rough into my final cover.

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