Tuesday 17 January 2017

Visual Language: Composition 3 Elements

In class we were given some really useful sheets based on composition  so I picked some up after missing last weeks session- composition is something I really tend to struggle with and its alway something I'm left wondering if it works or not in my work. I feel comfortable now being able to look back at the sheets to get a heads up to see of I'm working in the right direction.

After missing last weeks composition session I decided to read up on the session and carry out the task at home. The task was to design a number of compositional sketches which involved a figure, object and location. I chose something really easy - a man, a pint glass and a pub. but it wasn't about how easy the subjects where - it was about how I could place them in a way which would look compositionally correct. I had to consider what would initially make the image look good. usually the main focus of the image would be a figure so I decided to make the pint glass have the majority of the attention by putting it in the fore ground whilst placing the figure in the background.

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