Monday 16 January 2017

The Untold Story Part 2: Silent Crit Reflection

Love/Hate relationship with Silent Crits.

I love silent crits, I think they're really helpful and beneficial, but I HATE the fact you have to sit there and not be able to say a word.

I managed to get some great notes from the crit, I scribbled down elements of my work which my peers liked, this was really helpful, it was also a massive confidence boost to get some really positive feedback. It was great for me to sit there, not allowed to speak, and for my peers to understand what I was trying to convey e.g The repetition of the nagging mum characters were specifically repeated to portray the 'nagginess'.

 I also got some really good advice which I am definitely going to act on, such as a comment on scale - i had created an image in my hotdog book and then developed it in my sketchbook - my peers agreed that the image looked better as a smaller piece - it gave the image more energy. 

Matt also didn't like the inverted commas which held the text, which after him mentioning it, neither do I, so if I want to include the images with the inverted commas in then I will have to either re draw them or just fix them through Photoshop.

Overall thoughts and Next steps.
  • My next steps following from the crit is to go back and read my notes and act upon them.
  • I will do this by taking on board what my peers have said e.g carry on working on a small scale, get rid of inverted commas in final pages etc.
  • I think overall my crit was fairly positive, but when it comes to critiquing myself I know I can be a lot more harsh on myself - I know I haven't done enough work, I need to use the rest of the time i have left to absolutely crack on and make some work that i can be really proud of.
  • My next step is to fill my sketchbook and continue working in the style of hotdog books - they're really small and fun to work with and I feel as if it will really help m develop my work.

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