Monday 30 January 2017

Introduction to Visual Communication

Love the sound of this brief, feeling very motivated!

In todays session we were introduced to our final module: Visual Narratives. I'm really excited about the sound of this first brief 'I see faces' I'm feeling really eager to get started. The whole idea of this brief is to develop a character in response to a given piece of music.

The music I picked out at random:

J Dilla - Fuck The Police
Burial - Homeless
Hookworms - Retreat

Initial thoughts on my selection of music without listening to them:
Fuck the police - quite funny, I could create some really nice characters based on 'Girl Gangs' similar to what Hellen Jo creates. I really don't know what to think of the other songs as I haven't heard them before. Maybe my next step could be to listen to the songs and write down some words or images that come to mind? - This may be useful in creating my initial shapes for my character

Visiting Lecturer Dominic Kesterton

Dominic came to visit the class today and spoke about his practises and his career as an illustrator. I really like his work - it is something I will further research, I feel as if I will be able to take a lot of inspiration from his work and it will inspire the tone of voice in some of my characters. I also feel as if the lecture has made me feel more confident in choosing illustration as a career.

Dominique k - really like his work - has made me feel a lot more confident in choosing illustration as a career.

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