Saturday 21 January 2017

The Untold Story Part 2: Artistic Reference - David Hughes

David Hughes.

One of my all time favourite artists who has been a big inspiration to all my work so far for this project is David Hughes. I absolutely love his work and his distinctive tone of voice throughout all of his work. The characterisation in his work look so effortless yet appears so detailed at the same time. I figured that looking at David Hughes work will help me so much as I find it really difficult to simplify my work, and although Hughes drawings are fairly simple, there are defiantly elements of detail and business in there - this has really helped me simplify the characters in my drawings whilst still allowing me to include elements of detail.

I can really admire something a lot of his characters include throughout his work and that is the abnormal features such as giant faces or facial features, I think it really gives a sense of humour and the fact that Hughes is sometimes being a little ridicule.

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