Tuesday 17 January 2017

The Untold Story Part 2: Hotdog Books

I Looooooooove Hotdog Books!!!

I just love making little hotdog books, I think its such a fun idea to get little ideas and sketches down, I can't seem to stop making them!! I just love holding them and flicking through them. I think its really effective in a way that it helps you prepare for the final thing. I decided to focus on a character that I have been repetitively drawing, the annoying nagging mums, in my previous hotdog book I stuck to just black and white and only used pen, so i thought this would be a good opportunity to maybe add colour and collage and I think it worked really well.

More examples of hotdog book sketches:

Overall thoughts

  • I'm obsessed with making little zines!!!!
  • I think from doing these little zines it really has given me a better idea on what I want the final thing to look like.
  • Rather than just creating drawings in a sketchbook with no thought of composition - in a zine it allows you to see what it will look like in a book format, allowing you to experiment with double page spreads ect.
  • I think the next step from here is to bring my sketches onto Photoshop where I can develop them and prepare for the final book.
  • I'm feeling really enthusiastic and excited for my final piece.

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