Thursday 19 January 2017

The Untold Story Part 2: Experimentation and Development

Experimentation with Collage

I wanted to really push myself and extend my work - was it the drawings that just weren't enough??? was it my idea that just wasn't working??? I really like my idea and it's too late to change so my best bet is to get cracking with some experimentation. 

I was eager to include some collage into my work - I think using collage allows the work to really stand out - it gives it a complete new tone of voice and it's something I really enjoy. I decided to experiment with Ink, Line quality, shape and texture to develop my initial sketches, this meant carrying out some problem solving in order to prevent my images from looking flat.

Focusing on Shape, Texture and Line Quality.

I carried on the characterisation that I had been working with in my previous drawings representing the "annoying nagging mums". I think what works best with this image is the simplicity of the shapes and facial features - I think the hair texture works really well, it prevents the image from being flat and dull. I had previously been working with just black and white so its nice to see how the image transforms with even just the slightest bit of colour.

I carried on collaging with bits of hair and facial features and the outcomes are really successful. I decided to experiment with a different character purely because it could possibly lead me to different ideas and my previous character was becoming a little repetitive and boring. I think these are some of my most successful collages because they really portray their description of annoying nagging mums.

I then wanted to create texture in another way rather than taking bits and pieces from magazines so I created my own textures using ink. Not only was I thinking about texture in this process but it was important to think about line quality (creating lots of different lines and squiggles) and shape (for the shape of the hair).

Overall thoughts and next steps.
  • Really pleased with the outcomes!! such a nice difference in comparison to my original drawings - really love seeing the development.
  • I feel like I'm progressing really well and in such a short amount of time.
  • I'm quite eager to start scanning in my images in preparation for my final pages - so I can manipulate the collages through Photoshop.
  • Really need to start considering pages for final book.

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