Sunday 15 January 2017

The Untold Story Part 2: Sketchbook Ideas

Following on from the hotdog book.

Some nice ideas have stemmed from my hotdog book - I decided to carry on experimenting with the stereotypical age genres, this time focusing on "moody middle-aged men".

 I started off with considering who is the ultimate moody middle aged man that I could draw in relation to my stereotype, and then after remembering a conversation I had with Matt in my tutorial, Matt suggested Jeremy Clarkson, so I used his face as a starting point. I really like these drawings, I like the texture in the hair, it might be worth having a go working with this piece digitally? Could possibly add some colour and texture?

I really liked the composition of the double page spread of the "annoying nagging Mum's" similar to the image above, as to why I re created it in the form of the "moody middle-aged men". I don't know why they have abnormally long necks but I think it looks really good and the composition is really effective, I think I've just been picking up elements of David Hughes and Lewis Rossignol's work where in their work they include people with abnormal features? Definitely want to work with this drawing digitally, I think t might be really fun to manipulate, possibly add some colour?

I'm getting a bit bored of black and white!! it's nice to have a little experiment with colour through paint - I'm probably not going to include this in my final book but it was nice to experiment with colour and be able to see a bit of depth within the piece.

I realllllly love these papercut collage faces, they just look so simple yet work so effectively - and again its nice to appreciate the drawings re created in colour form. I'm definitely going to continue with the idea of collage - I just love the way it looks, the shape, colour. I usually don't enjoy working in such a simple manor but I'm really pleased with the outcome of this page in my sketchbook, I'm quite eager to get cracking on some more.

Overall thoughts and next steps.
  • My next step is to definitely get my head down and do some collaging - I think it will really give my drawings a completely new tone of voice.
  • Take matts advice on board and consider shape and texture.
  • another step to take is to start woking digitally.
  • Overall I'm happy with the outcomes of my drawings, I' think a few of them will be added to my book.
  • I feel as if I'm really pushing myself at the moment and it's really paying off.

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