Sunday 22 January 2017

The Untold Story Part 2: End of Module Evaluation

Overall I am really pleased with the outcome of this module as a whole, due to the fact I was seriously ill over the christmas period, I really feel as if I picked myself back up and absolutely pushed myself to the best of my abilities for the final bit of my project.

I’m really pleased that I can now screen print! it’s something I've always been interested in doing but had no idea how the process works, I’m really excited to revisit this part of the module to make some really cool prints as an individual.

I think it was a bit of a struggle for me at the beginning as I really wasn't happy with any of my subjects I was given for SB2, and it took me a while to actually get stuck in. I think as soon as I started to get my transcripts it started to pick up a bit from there. This was a really interesting way of retrieving research for me, and I think I learnt a lot from this. I found that just from having a conversation with somebody, which was so casual, so many ideas can stem, and initially my whole book was created from this form of research. Other than the field trip and the interviews I used basic research on the internet - I think I could've pushed this further by having a look at some books related to my subject.

For SB3 I feel like I have never pushed myself so hard in my life, my days would consist of 6-7 hours of work at home after studio days, sometimes I would be up until early hours of the morning, still working in my sketchbook - this suggests that although my poor health was something I couldn't avoid, I could at least try and manage my time a little better in the studio, sometimes I would find myself being a little distracted, this could be easily avoided with a little more concentration. In terms of SB3 I really feel as if a transformative moment occurred straight after my tutorial, I had a completely different attitude towards illustration and I finally started to give myself credit for my work, I started to not only enjoy creating images but I literally couldn't stop myself. I think I had a transformative moment in my tutorial purely because of the advise I was given by Matt,  although I was behind and I had a lot of work to catch up on some great ideas sparked and I finally had a sense of direction for the project. It goes to show that all you need is a little push!

I think although I much prefer working at home in my own space I need to consider working in the studio more often, reason being that there are so many creative individuals working in the studio space, it just seems more like a sensible working environment, also its a great place to get advise on anything work related.

The best thing to come out of SB3 is the fact that I have been really open with experimentation, If I was to change anything about this project it would deftly be to consider my initial research more appropriately. I’ve had a read back from my previous End of Module Evaluation and there still seems to be a little problem with managing my time, I have noted this again and will really try my best to act on my time management skills for the next module.

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