Friday 20 January 2017

The Untold Story Part 2: Playing with Photoshop, Prep for Final Pages.

Moving away from traditional methods.

I decided to make a start on my final pages. My first step was to edit my initial drawings and collages on Photoshop. I was torn between the using the collages and my illustrations so I thought it would be a good idea to merge the two - I feel as if it really prevents the image from being flat and allows the piece to have a form of relief.

To again prevent this image from being flat I decided to add a slight background which involves text, I didn't want the text to be too over powering so I turned the opacity right down to make it only just readable.

I really didn't like the idea of using text through Photoshop - I think it looked too fixed and really didn't fit well with the tone of voice of my images. I decided to hand write some of the phrases that were accompanying my images and I really liked the whole handwritten font. Once scanned in and fit onto the images I was pleased with how they looked and decided to keep them that way.

Keeping in mind what was said in the crit I made sure to remove all of the inverted commas - they looked much better without them.

Problems I encountered when printing.

Once I was finally happy with my final images I decided to print out the book. Unfortunately InDesign wasn't on my side today and I completely messed up the printing process and I was a bit stuck right at the last minute - If I've learnt anything from today it's don't leave printing til the last min!! fortunately I managed to grab a computer resource technician who guided me through the printing process and pointed me in the right direction. I'm now confident and have realised my problems for next time. Once I had printed I wasn't happy with some of my images, some turned out completely different printed out in comparison to on screen - so I went through the whole book page by page and identified what I didn't like and went back and edited them ready for the final print.

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