Sunday 22 January 2017

The Untold Story Part 2: Final Book

Finally finished!!!!

What went well? 

  • I feel as if the book has a lot of energy and has a really energetic tone of voice.
  • I really like the format of the book it feels really nice to just hold.
  • I really like the simplicity of the front and back covers, If I over complicated it people may be drawn away.
  • I really like the use of mixed media - it really drags you into the book.
  • overall I really enjoyed making the book, if I had more time I would definitely make a few more!
  • I feel as if I have learnt so much through out this module which I'm really pleased about.

What could I improve on? 
  • There is one page that is slightly out, unfortunately I may not have time to fix this - it was just down to error and unfortunately it was something I completely missed and only realised last minute.
  • I feel as if the binding looks a bit messy, it was my first time trying this method so I'm not too sure about it.
  • The pages seem very mix-matched due to the use of mixed media - I'm not sure if it works? I'm not sure if I prefer the mock up which contains just illustrations.

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