Wednesday 11 January 2017

The Untold Story Part 2: Development of Hotdog Images

Starting to finally love what I'm doing!!

I've started to really get my head down and get cracking in my sketchbook, I'm focusing on the images I created in my little hotdog book, I really like the quirky unique characterisation of them so I'm going to continue to develop them more.

Development of the hotdog book images:

After my tutorial with Matt, he suggested to continue the idea of the quirky stereotypes of different age genres, so I began to briefly think of really quick phrases just so I could get cracking and start drawing. The first one that sprung to mind (other than the original ones in my hotdog book) was "Annoying Nagging mums" so straight away I started to repetitively draw "Annoying Nagging mums", I noticed, interestingly, a character started to emerge and I suck with this throughout the sketches.

I took this idea further by beginning to think about composition, and if I was to use this in my final book how would I want it to look like? I really like the idea of using double page spreads, I think it looks very visually appealing and it allows you to use space with a little more freedom without cramming everything into one space. I going to keep working in this format, I think it works really well. 

When it comes to comparing the two compositions (the grid-like format, and the double page spread), I think they both work really effectively, at the moment I think its worth re drawing the grid image because I think they aren't as well drawn as the double page spread and this refelcts my opinion on it however once re drawn my opinion may change, it might be worth getting some feedback off peers?? 

Overall thoughts so far - What I'm happy about:

  • I am really happy about how my project is progressing, spending a good 6-7 solid hours a day after uni is really proving to pay off! Need to carry this on!
  • I'm really liking my general idea for the book - I feel like theres so much I can do with it/
  • For the first time in ages Im really liking my own work - I'm starting to feel proud after a drawing or image and I'm starting to finally give myself some credit which is nice to realise.

What I am unhappy about/What can I improve on?:

  • I feel as if I have finally got stuck into my work and I'm quite annoyed?? or maybe a little angry, that I'm not going to have as much time as I wanted to enjoy this project - again due to my health.

  • I'm beginning to get really tired, working long hours into early hours of the morning needs to stop, I need to choose my time to work effectively - that way I will get more out of myself.

    • Really want to start collaging or using other methods and techniques as for the time being pencil and pen seem to be my best friend.

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